TSRE5 is a route editor tool used for editing routes for Microsoft Train Simulator for use with MSTS and Open Rails. News Partner Programme Releases TS Festival.
Maintenance Update A Fine Whine Featured Articles. I think it will be up to third party developers in the U.S.

We have to remember that this game is created by developers in the UK so they will put more effort into the UK prototypes and sounds. I think they were all showing and sounding that they were working on the train I had but I will pay closer attention to that when I play it again.įor $40 what do you have to lose, it is a decent game that will eventually have lots of add-ons like all of the others. I didn't notice that the DPU's don't sound like they are working. It blows MSTS 1 out of the water, and I think is even better in the graphics than Trainz. I think the more I play it the better it will get. There are a few other minor quirks that will take a bit of getting used to but overall I enjoyed my experience with it. After my scenario ended I changed to expert but I have yet to try this setting. This is a little odd and I wasn't expecting it. This means that the throttle handle is not only the throttle but also the brakes. I didn't view any options before my scenario and simple was selected. I didn't realize there were three different levels of controls. I'm not sure if my scenario was over or not but I accidentally passed one and the game ended. There is a claim that the scenario will not end if you pass a red signal but you get heavily penalized on your report. If you get back on the path in time, the warning goes away. If you go off of the "path" the game gives you a warning that it will end and a timer counts down from 60 seconds. Thankfully you can kind of see the switch points and throw switches to prevent this but you have to be on your toes. If a switch is against you your train will derail and the scenario is over.

I personally kind of like the advance notice but then again not having it makes you experience a more accurate simulation. You have to pay very close attention to track side speed limit signs and if your signal is yellow you'd better be slowing down. With this game you get a very realistic experience because you do not get to know what is coming in advance. Now this one can be a personal preference. It would be neat to see the drops on the window and have to use the wiper what a neat effect that'd be.guess we'll have to wait and see that in the future. The drops also don't stick to anything so nothing looks wet or like it has just rained. When passing through the tunnels it was raining in the tunnels.ooops. It is a neat effect but the drops are way too large and they don't stay outside! I kept noticing the drops were flying by my view in the cab. Not sure why other than maybe trains in the UK don't use bells? There are bells modeled on the locomotives but they didn't include a sound for them. No bell sound, I basically said WTF when I figured this one out.
Plus the view is way too close to the control stand. It is way too low, it is like you're shorter than the control stand. The camera view inside the cab is pretty bad. Good feature but still doesn't fix the zoom thing. I figured out that if you hold the right click and move the mouse the camera will freely pan anywhere you want. The zoom also only works when it feels like it. The vertical pan will work when it feels like it. The camera view controls don't work 100% of the time like the instructions say which is irritating. The flange squeal in curves is very cool, not sure if you hear much of that in the cab on the prototype but the effect is cool. The weather effects are way cool, though the rain drops are 10,000 times over sized. Also if you activate the wipers the wiper shadow moves with them. As the locomotive turns a curve the sun angle changes and the shadows move with it.

I spent most of my time in the cab while driving and the dynamic shadows are way cool. The exhaust is very realistic as it streams out of the stack which no other game reproduces well. The trains themselves are great except for the wheels. The signals are way cool, the light reflects off of the inside of the hood for an added effect. Having never been to the Cajon Pass I cannot comment on scenery accuracy but it looked great, accurate or not. The scenery is extremely realistic, when going along I was looking at the distant hillside and I thought for a moment that I was actually there. The really cool feature is the click clack and you get more when going over a switch. The horn sounds are good, prime mover is good. He was a 3D model and actually moved around in the seat unlike the figure in the engines of other games. I was very impressed with the engineer figure in the cab. I tried my hand at Cajon last night, here are my likes and dislikes: